Other articles

  1. Organizing a conference: Py4AI

    I had a lot of fun (and work) over the last 6 months working or organizing a conference, Py4AI. The conference was held in Pavia, Italy, on March 16th 2024. The conference was a success, with over 200 attendees and 12 speakers. The conference was organized by a group of …

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  2. Reading "The Design of Web APIs"

    Why bothering reading a book about design of web APIs when working in data science like I do? I found this book called The Design of Web APIs by Arnaud Lauret and decided to give it a try.

    The Design of Web APIs

    Why reading it

    Data science is shifting towards turning models and solutions …

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  3. Expectations from a Data Analyst

    When you work as a data analyst or data scientist (I'll use the terms interchangeably) in a company, you may not be training predictive models every single day. A significant (and often interesting) part of your job is answering business questions via data mining regardless if you do it with …

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  4. Guest at DaGrande podcast

    I was recently guest at a new podcast called "DaGrande". The podcast was launched by Stefano Bosisio and aims at helping students that are near to conclude their studies. "DaGrande" consists of a series of interviews where professionals from a variety of industries share tips or insights abuot career that …

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  5. Learning by teaching

    The picture below was taken just at the beginning of the exam of the course called Apache Spark for Data Analysis at ITS Rizzoli in Milan on November 2022. I was the one taking the picture because I was actually the lecturer of this course. In this post, I'll tell …

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  6. Speaker at PyCon IT 2022

    I went back to PyCon IT 2022 in Florence in June. I gave one talk called Why Is Our Project Late? where I introduces mental and statistical bias that lead us to make wrong estimates when making a plan.

    Furthermore, we held a live session of Intervista Pythonista podcast interviewing …

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  7. My 6 Gems on Data Visualization

    I have been working quite some time with charts and business intelligence in the last 5 years. When you spend time building business reports, you may perceive data visualization as a cold technical and business tool. However, there are 6 hidden gems in data visualization that I found by chance …

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